LinkedIn Publishing – The How and Why

LinkedIn Publishing How and Why

Just start writing articles on LinkedIn! Just start publishing! Just start posting and commenting and sharing and liking!

You don’t make the NFL or get the first violin chair without practice.

So, the Jeopardy answer is … be like Nike as Just Do It! The Jeopardy question is, What if I am scared to write an article on LinkedIn?

In the past week, a couple of attendees in my network asked me to write an article on how to publish an article on LinkedIn, so here are some FAQs.

  • Why publish on LinkedIn? You can share your professional expertise as a job seeker, employed person, or self-employed business owner and flex your wordsmithing muscles. No pain, no gain!
  • Why write articles as a business owner? Share information and create a call to action.
  • Where can I get ideas? LinkedIn and Feedly
  • Could I create a poll to get ideas? Yes
  • Could I compile articles from others? Yes
  • Could I get quotes from industry experts or influencers to add to my article? Yes
  • Can I see how the title of my article would score compared to other titles? Try Coschedule Headline Analyzer.
  • Need to create an image for your article? Try Canva or Over or make a Word Cloud. Need live training for that? Save the dates of 8/1 and 8/25.
  • What is the image size for the article? 744 x 400 pixels or 2000 x 600 (LinkedIn needs an update!)
  • What details should I know about publishing? LinkedIn Instructions for drafts, multimedia, images, third party content, hashtags, video, and error messages.
  • What do I need to know about hashtags? Once you publish your article, you cannot edit, delete, or add other hashtags.
  • How do I check my grammar and punctuation? Grammarly
  • Can I re-purpose the blogs I already write? Absolutely! Great idea!
  • How long should my articles be?  Articles that are 900-1400 words might fare better than those that are 300-400 words.
  • Are there standard features like bold, italics, underline, alignment, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and block quotes? Yes
  • Can I add an image, video, slides, links, snippets? Yes
  • Can I make hyperlinks in my article? Yes, highlight the text you want to hyperlink and find the link symbol and click and add the URL.
  • Can I tag people in articles? You can tag people in posts.
  • Can I publish my article in groups? Yes, but make each post unique in a group.
  • Can I share my LinkedIn article on Twitter? Yes and on other social media platforms too
  • Can I get analytics for my article? Yes, and read more.
  • Can I edit an article after I publish it? Yes
  • Can I delete an article after I publish it? Yes
  • Where do I begin? Go to your home page and click on write an article.
  • What should I do after I publish it? Engage with your audience on the comments.
  • What if I’m scared to try? Be like Nike and just do it or plan on attending a LinkedIn part 2 of 3 workshop.


Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Groups, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn™ profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn™ for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.