Job seeker? Self-employed? Employed? Underemployed? Transitioning Veteran? Student? Immigrant Professional?

Job search and career development? You are in the right place! At Great Careers Network, we understand the importance of professional development in today’s competitive job market. That’s why we’ve created comprehensive offerings designed to empower individuals to reach their full career potential.

Our job search and career development offerings cover a range of career topics by subject matter expert speakers, resources, support services, and networking connections that cater to the unique needs of our diverse population, including military veterans.

Whether you’re actively seeking employment, looking to advance in your current role, or starting your own business, our team is here to provide you with the tools, resources, and guidance you need to succeed. So why wait? Take the first step towards achieving your professional goals, and join today!

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Join our Career Success Groups for job seeker support, weekly and monthly meetings with subject matter expert speakers, networking, and workshops held on Zoom and Clubhouse.

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Using expert presentations, networking, and small and large group interaction, we offer innovative approaches to career management and job search. Become a lifelong learner.

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Great Careers Network Blogs

LinkedIn Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

LinkedIn Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

Avoid these LinkedIn mistakes as an entrepreneur to maximize your professional presence. LinkedIn has established itself as the ultimate platform for professional networking, offering entrepreneurs an incredible opportunity to expand

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Aligning Your Resume and LinkedIn

Aligning Your Resume and LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn profile and resume are indispensable tools for professional branding, which is the process of creating a unique professional identity that sets you apart from others in your field.

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