Want to be a LinkedIn groupie?

Want to be a LinkedIn groupie?

With the ability to join to any kind of group, or groupie, on LinkedIn, you can join organizations, affiliations, or interest areas of your choice to engage with and learn from others, as well as share your expertise. If you provide valuable content, you may get some new followers or build relationships in your new community.

Without a doubt, you should join your undergraduate and graduate alumni groups. Then join groups in the areas of your personal interests, as well as where your target audience might be. Who do you want to see you as a contributor and an expert in your field?

Unless you know the exact group name, you can search for groups by typing the keywords in the search bar at the top left and click the magnifying glass. Then, click on the MORE button and then GROUPS. Click on the name of the group you want to look at and read their ABOUT section. If you are interested, click REQUEST TO JOIN. If you ever want to leave a group that you have joined, click the 3 dots and then LEAVE THIS GROUP.

By staying active in LinkedIn groups and sharing your expertise, you can gain new followers who enjoy reading your content. Make sure you also LIKE and comment on other people’s posts.

A cool feature of being in a group is the ability to send a member a message, even if you are not connected with them. At the top right click SEE ALL and it will bring up the current members and a message box to communicate and send direct messages.

To access your groups on your profile, click on the SEE ALL button in the Interests section, which is at the  very bottom section of your profile. Then, you can click on the GROUPS tab.

In case you didn’t know, you can hide the visibility of a group to which you belong. For example, if you are employed and are seeking another position, you can join job seeker and career transition groups and hide them on your profile so the boss and colleagues cannot see them. Click here for the instructions on how to do that. Want to learn more about groups? Click Here.

If you want to manage your career as an employed, self-employed, or in transition, we would love you to join our group. If you are a small business, recruiter, hiring manager, or HR professional and have a job to post, it’s a great place to do so for FREE!



Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Groups, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn™ profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn™ for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.