Great Careers Network Career LinkedIn Branding & Nonprofit Rebranding

LinkedIn Branding & Nonprofit Rebranding

LinkedIn Branding & Nonprofit Rebranding

Are you aware that LinkedIn follows strict Branding Guidelines and policies, including specific color palettes, logos, core shapes, and a custom font?

These elements are part of LinkedIn’s Branding Guidelines. LinkedIn’s name should always include the ® or ™ symbol when referring to their services, as these are registered trademarks.

In a recent post by Kevin Turner, a must-follow for all the latest LinkedIn updates, he shared insights from LinkedIn’s legal department. His post made me reflect on the ongoing new branding of our nonprofit.

Our 501(c)(3) nonprofit, legally named Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, initially used the DBA of Great Careers Network. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of a pro bono attorney, we recently registered the Great Careers Network mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Following this, we’ve begun using the service mark while waiting for an Examining Attorney to review our application, a process that takes six to nine months from our April 2024 filing.

We have already updated our website and social media to reflect this change to our new branding. We will continue to do so as we discover and correct the countless instances where updates are needed. Once our application is approved, I’ll need clarification on whether we should use the ® or ™ symbol.

In December 2021, we announced our organization’s rebranding with a refreshed logo featuring the GCG initials and an extended logo with our tagline, “Your Career, Our Mission.” Our organization began 2010 as a simple meetup group, so this was a significant milestone. 

I took over leadership on August 4, 2015, when the group had 1,722 members. As of the end of August, the meetup group has grown to 6,234 members, with an additional couple of thousand members registered on our website. This remarkable growth is a testament to the value we provide and the trust our members have in us, and you should all be proud to be part of this successful journey.

While only a tiny fraction of our members are paid members, our nonprofit relies on a modest membership fee and donations through our Givebutter platform. According to our meetup analytics dashboard, we’ve hosted 6,050 events and received 43,737 RSVPs through the meetup platform alone, with even more participation through our website.

Our membership fee, which is comparable to the price of a cup of coffee per month, provides access to 18-25 professional career development events. This translates to over 20 hours of programming for around $5 a month, catering to unemployed, underemployed, self-employed, and employed individuals. We want you to feel that your investment is not just nominal, but truly worthwhile, offering a wealth of opportunities for your career development. 

Even attending one event per month offers tremendous value compared to the nominal investment, not to mention the satisfaction of supporting a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to economic empowerment.

Below is some verbiage from our strategic plan.


Organized to empower our community and members to navigate their careers in today’s workforce utilizing career education opportunities, networking events, and an array of supportive resources. 


Provide comprehensive solutions and resources for career options and career advancement through education and meaningful networking opportunities.


Be a lifelong educational resource for professionals who aspire to have successful careers and leave a positive impact on the world.


Achievement, Accountability, Community, Diversity, Empowerment, Growth, Inclusion, Integrity, Inspiration, Optimism, Professionalism, Respect 

Now that you know more about us, check out our upcoming events and join our organization as a member. We deliver! Small price! Big value!


  • If you need a resume or LinkedIn™ profile to get you to your next step, book a call to chat!
  • To support our charity at and use the referral code Career
  • Follow #GreatCareersPHL 


Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Network, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in  Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.