Great Careers Network Career,Career Management,Career Transition Land Your Dream Job Using 15 Job Search Strategies

Land Your Dream Job Using 15 Job Search Strategies

Land a Dream Job Using 15 Job Search Strategies

Use 15 Job Search Strategies to Land Your Dream Job

Land your dream job using 15 job search strategies. Get noticed as a job seeker so you can get an interview and land a job. There are 15 job search strategies, tactics, and resources below to help you accomplish your end goal. 

APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM – You need to make sure you understand how to format your resume to Arial 12 point font for the Applicant Tracking System and the importance of customizing your resume, so your keywords match the job description. 

ELEVATOR PITCH – Prepare different pitches for different audiences and consider a memory dart or vivid image. The shorter, the better, so it’s memorable. Here’s mine as a writer of resumes and LinkedIn profiles: “I guide you to your keywords to beat the bots.” 

EXPERTISE SHARED – Write articles or blogs and give presentations to share your expertise. Riches in niches! (pronounced nit-ches for rhyming purposes).

INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW – Create an agenda with questions you would like to ask people at informational interviews

INTERVIEW SKILLS – Fine-tune your interview skills. There are numerous resources for articles, practice platforms, and live workshops.

KEYWORDS – You need to have keywords in your customized resume and your LinkedIn profile. Read several articles about keywords.

LIFELONG LEARNER – Be curious and keep learning whether you take university courses or certifications, or workshops. Never stop learning! Here is an article on online learning platforms with over 80 resources. Check out the events page on the same website also. 

LINKEDIN PROFILE – Optimize your LinkedIn profile with generic keywords (to be found) and that are nichey (in your area of expertise) and make sure you have over 500 connections. Sign up for 9 hours of free LinkedIn training

NETWORKING PLAN – First of all, you need to make networking a habit. Even if you land a job, you need to keep networking. Create a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or enter your contacts in an Excel or Google sheet where you can keep notes. You never know when you’ll need them.

NEWSLETTER – Send out a monthly newsletter to your network, but make sure you are not violating the CAN-SPAM ACT if you use platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, and the like. Examples of sections might include the following: Welcome Paragraph, About Me (elevator pitch), Networking Philosophy, How You Can Help Me (the ask of connection requests at target companies), How I Can Help You (the offer), and Final Thoughts like quotes, a good book, or something interesting to share. 

ONE PAGER FOR NETWORKING – The one-pager is used when networking with other job seekers and is a condensed version of your resume but has your target companies. 

PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION – I was inspired to create a portfolio presentation after reading the Active Interviewing book. Now, I make presentations on Canva. Sections you might include are overview, resume and cover letter, Transcripts (if applicable), Certifications and Clearances, Recognitions, In the News, Publications, and Letters of Recommendation.

RESUME – Ensure you have a modern resume that does NOT have an objective or references available upon request. Replace Profile Summary at the top with key titles and keywords, so the reader knows what position you are applying to at their company. Customize each resume you submit from your base resume, so the keywords match.

VALUE PROPOSITION LETTER – A value proposition letter is a brief statement (100-150) words that succinctly explains the unique quality, skills, and accomplishments of a candidate. 

VOLUNTEER – Seek volunteer or Board positions for a mission that matters to you, and you will meet people. Read the book The Go-Giver if you need some inspiration. 

This list is just a starter list. If you want an 8-page Career Management Checklist, a $1 donation to a 501(c)3 nonprofit  will get you a more comprehensive list. Better yet, become a member and get that list and more! We welcome everyone as a diverse, equity, and inclusive nonprofit organization.


Lynne Williams is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, that provides career education and networking. Lynne also writes for,, and