Great Careers Groups Career Management,Career Transition,Entrepreneur,Self-employed Remember the Lessons You Learned in Kindergarten for Your Career and Life

Remember the Lessons You Learned in Kindergarten for Your Career and Life

Remember the Lessons Your Learned in Kindergarten for Your Career and Life

Remember the Golden Rule? Remember the lessons you learned in kindergarten? How do we make the world a better place? How can we be better as individuals?

As an educator, I believe knowledge is power and I believe in lifelong learning. I know that I don’t know what I don’t know, but do want to share what I do know.

Do you remember Robert Fulghum’s Poem called All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten ? Take a pause for about four minutes and watch this video to reengage with this poem. It’s packed with useful information and actionable items.

Now let’s fast forward to adulthood. We need positive actions for peace, human decency, and social justice, so everyone is treated equally, and with respect and dignity.

Is there a lot more to say in light of the tragic death of George Floyd and others? Yes, there certainly is and we still have an awful lot of work to do as a society. The solution is not simple, but let’s commit to work together and create a better future.

We need a diverse workforce to foster innovation. We need diversity and inclusion.  We also need resources, so here is a list of many Giving Black Philadelphia resources at

While you are reviewing these resources, enjoy some milk and cookies. Why not take a nap when you are done. When you are refreshed, think about how you can be a change agent for the betterment of humanity while you also work on managing your career.



Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Groups, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn™ profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn™ for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.