Great Careers Network Career Spill the Tea in the Ton – LinkedIn Society Papers

Spill the Tea in the Ton – LinkedIn Society Papers

Spill the Tea in the Ton - LinkedIn Society Papers

Dearest gentle readers and esteemed members of the LinkedIn™ Ton, 

I am here to spill the tea in the ton! It has come to this author’s most discerning notice that the grand digital salons of LinkedIn are abuzz with spirited interactions, where professionals and entrepreneurs alike dance the intricate steps of networking and opportunity.

Yet, despite the valiant efforts of many to present themselves as the finest of professionals, some appear far underdressed for the soirees.

Allow me, dear reader, to escort you through the treacherous endeavor of crafting a LinkedIn profile so remarkable that it shall have the entire ton murmuring in awe and admiration at your undeniable prowess.

Spill the Tea on A High Society Profile Picture 

A grainy, poorly-lit profile picture, dear readers, is no less than the social faux pas of donning last season’s frock to a grand ball. One must ensure that one’s likeness is as refined as one’s wit, for a well-composed profile picture is the first step in captivating the gaze of the most discerning professionals. Indeed, whispers abound that a crisp, polished image can secure connections far quicker than any awkward waltz at Almack’s ever could.

Spill the Tea on Headlines To Make One Swoon: A Guide to Captivating the Elite

Much like a Duke’s grand introduction at court, the headline should leave one breathless and utterly captivated. Steer clear of the dreary and overdone ‘seeking opportunities’—it reeks of desperation, not unlike an overly persistent suitor. 

Instead, dare to make a bold declaration, starting with a key title followed by essential keywords before a unique selling proposition, such as: ‘Strategic Visionary Conquering Data Analytics.’ Distinguishing yourself from others will surely make even the most austere of hiring managers sit up and take notice.

Spill the Tea on How to Command a Room Using the Art of the About Section

Ah, the About section—how often have I seen many stumble here, regaling us with tiresome accounts of their entire working history as though it were a dreary journal entry. But let us be clear, dear readers: this is no diary! 

Rather, it is a place to leave one’s audience yearning for more. (For those who have indulged in the delights of watching the Br[in]gertons on Netfl[in]x, think of the yearning akin to that hot carriage ride scene—indeed, that is precisely the effect one should aim for!)

A few clever lines with proper spacing and little colored characters I have heard are called emojis, shall do the trick—something along the lines of ‘delivering results surpassing 325% of expectations, with the precision of the Queen’s finest.’ Such an approach will surely leave your audience both impressed and eager to uncover more of your professional prowess.

Spill the Tea on Recommendations & Endorsements

Do not be bashful, dear reader, for even Lady Wh[in]stledown herself relishes the occasional praise (though, naturally, one must always maintain a delicate air of modesty). 

Seek out endorsements from colleagues and glowing recommendations that position you as indispensable as a coveted seat at Lady Danbury’s exclusive soirées. Let these testimonials speak not only of your hard skills but also of your grace under pressure—those ever-important transferable skills. After all, who could possibly resist a professional who navigates the chaos of the boardroom with the poise of a seasoned dancer at the grandest of balls?

Spill the Tea on Engaging with The Real Gossip

Much like one’s esteemed social standing, a LinkedIn presence cannot be cultivated by sitting idly on the sidelines. Engaging through thoughtful comments on posts builds visibility, discoverability, and, most crucially, credibility. Share insightful articles, spark meaningful discussions, and let your contributions lead the whispers of the digital world. 

Yet, a word of caution: discretion is paramount, as with all things in society. Overindulgence in activity may render one overly eager for attention—a faux pas as grievous as being spotted unchaperoned in the park, risking reputation and decorum alike.


Quote: Eloise Br[in]dgerton

Original: “Why must our only options be to squawk and settle or to never leave the nest? What if I want to fly?”

LinkedIn meaning: “Why must we be confined to the narrow choice of staying in the same role or never daring to take risks? What if, instead, we desire to soar in our careers? On LinkedIn, the opportunities to fly are boundless. So, let your profile and network be as bold and daring as your ambitions. Make every connection and every post reflect the heights you wish to reach!”

Quote: Colin Br[in]dgerton

Original: “Pen, living for the estimation of others is a trap. Once you break free, the world opens up.”

LinkedIn meaning: Living for the validation of others in your career can quickly become a gilded trap. But once you break free, the professional world unfolds before you, full of possibilities. LinkedIn offers the perfect stage to showcase your authentic self, liberated from the weight of others’ expectations, allowing your true potential to shine.”

Quote: Lady Wh[in]stledown

Original: “I do not fear change. I embrace it.”

LinkedIn meaning: Change is inevitable, both in society and in our careers. The key is to embrace it. By regularly updating your LinkedIn profile and staying attuned to evolving professional trends, you ensure that you remain relevant and prepared for whatever lies ahead. Adaptability, after all, is the mark of those who thrive, not just survive, in a world of constant change.”

Quote: Lady Danbury

Original: “I have loved. I have lost. I have earned the right to do whatever I please, whenever I please, and however I please to do it.”

LinkedIn meaning: We have all encountered both triumphs and setbacks throughout our careers, and these experiences grant us the power to chart our own unique paths. LinkedIn serves as the ideal platform to showcase that freedom—the freedom to define your own journey, highlight your achievements, and demonstrate how you’ve turned challenges into opportunities.”

Quote: Edw[in]a Sharma

Original: “A man who knows what he wants is most admirable.”

LinkedIn meaning: A professional who knows exactly what they want—and is clear about their goals—is truly admirable. Use your LinkedIn banner and headline to declare your ambitions, showcasing what precisely you aim to achieve. Let your clarity and determination draw admiration from others as they witness the power of your focus.”

Quote: Daphne Br[in]dgerton

Original: “Just because something is not perfect, does not make it any less worthy of love.”

LinkedIn meaning: Just because your LinkedIn profile isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable. It reflects your growth, potential, and passion. Keep refining it, and others will recognize its worth as well. Your profile is a dynamic, evolving work in progress—that showcases not just where you’ve been but where you’re headed.”

Quote: Lady Violet Br[in]dgerton

Original: “However difficult forgiving someone may be, it is necessary to move forward.”

LinkedIn meaning: In the professional world, forgiving mistakes—whether yours or those of others—is essential for moving forward. It is through learning from those missteps that real growth occurs. LinkedIn provides the perfect platform to showcase that growth, highlighting not only your achievements but also the resilience and lessons that have shaped your career.”

Quote: Lady Wh[in]stledown

Original: “Be it shame or slander, seduction or smear, there is but one thing that humbles even the most highly regarded members of our dear ton…a scandal!”

LinkedIn meaning: “Be it humblebrags or oversharing, there is one thing that can humble even the finest professionals on LinkedIn—an ill-timed post! Remember, dearest readers, professionalism is paramount. A political post, in particular, would be nothing short of a scandal on LinkedIn. Keep your content refined, and your reputation will remain untarnished as a diamond in the Queen’s crown.”

Quote: Lady Wh[in]stledown

“Should a woman not be valued for so much more than her dancing skills or her comportment? Should we not value a woman instead for her candor, her character, her true accomplishments?”

LinkedIn version:
Should we not be esteemed for more than just a mere job title or a single line on a résumé? LinkedIn is the grand stage upon which you may unveil your true accomplishments, character, and the professionalism you embody. It is here where your essence as a leader, innovator, or visionary may shine through—far beyond the confines of any title.”


So, dear readers, I leave you with this final thought to spill the tea: a LinkedIn profile is far more than a mere reflection of one’s profession—it mirrors one’s very character. Make it dazzling, sharp, and above all, worthy of a mention from Lady Wh[in]stledown herself. Until we meet again, I remain, as ever, your humble guide in all matters of decorum—and, of course, LinkedIn.

Yours truly,

Lady Wh[In]stledown



Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Network, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in  Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.