Wowed by a Speaker Who Says to “Get Weird”

Wowed by Speaker Who Says Get Weird

Have you ever been WOWed by a speaker? I was just WOWed! Running hundreds of events a year, I hear a plethora of speakers and, some are standouts.

At the beginning of 2020, I was on a national summit with some fantastic speakers and authors. Of course, I reached out to connect with all of them on LinkedIn. Some turned into phone calls, and we got to know each other better.

One reached back out to me several months later, and I booked him to speak. He left me wanting more. So, I started by ordering one of his 13 published books (The Story Arc) on Amazon, and it should arrive soon. 

Speaking of Amazon, did you know you could order on and choose the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Groupsas your charity of choice? Amazon makes donations to us quarterly through your purchases.

Our speaker is in the process of writing more books. I will also have to listen to his Your Ultimate Life podcast.

Not only is Kellan Flukiger a gifted speaker, author, transformational leadership mentor, and performance and breakthrough coach, but he is a musician and producer who is a father of ten.

Zooming in from Edmonton, Alberta, he started his elevator pitch as “I help people do things that they don’t think they can do.”

Kellan shared some wisdom with the attendees who were mainly job seekers, but did it in such a way that was motivational, inspirational, and was delivered with energy and enthusiasm. It was unique coming from a man with a story.

Every morning Kellan has a 40-minute ritual that includes 10 minutes each of SPEM:

  • Spiritual – engage in prayer or meditation
  • Physical – stretch and get your body moving
  • Emotional – send a text or message to someone
  • Mental – read a chapter

Here is some food for thought he shared:

  • What do you do?
  • Who needs that?
  • Say the words they need to hear.
  • What do THEY say their needs are, and how do you describe it?
  • Why would they pick you?
  • What is it that you don’t do? Won’t do? Haven’t thought of?
  • Are you trying to do what has been done before, or are you thinking differently?
  • We all have feelings of inadequacy, so get rid of the head trash. 
  • When you care for yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you present to others more powerfully.
  • What is the way people feel when they are around you?
  • Set daily goals. You control your activities, so achieve and celebrate.
  • Get help. Don’t do it alone. 
  • Think of yourself as a service business and think of something no other coach would do. 
  • Don’t just offer it, live it! Don’t look for a client. Look for 1) people to love, 2) problems to solve, and 3) opportunities to serve
  • Have fun!

>>> If it was not for LinkedIn, I never would have met this speaker. 

Are you reaching out and connecting with people every day or at least every week?

Are you personalizing your introductions when you connect? 

Are you making referrals and introductions to others?

Are you keeping your searches under 300 a month, so you don’t get a commercial use limit warning?

Are you doing Boolean searches for people on LinkedIn or on Google for LinkedIn?  

Are you staying in touch with your network by wishing them congrats on their new job, a happy anniversary, or a branded happy birthday?

Are you sending someone an article of interest or a nice note?

Are you liking, commenting, sharing, posting, and writing on LinkedIn?

Are you participating in polls on LinkedIn and seeing the results of polls?

If you want to be in the first violin seat or the NFL or MLB, you must practice. If you want to grow your LinkedIn network, you have to practice. 

Here’s the last bit of advice from Kellan > Get weird! Get creative! Stand out differently with light, love, energy, and power. 

I would love to hear how you are getting weird!


Lynne Williams is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, a 501(c)3 nonprofit with over 6300 members and alumni providing career education and networking. Lynne also writes for,, and