Sharing Photos and Videos on LinkedIn

Sharing Photos and Videos on LinkedIn

As the old English adage goes … a picture (or photos) is worth a thousand words (even though this has been “plagiarized and paraphrased” many times).

According to research from Hubspot, visual images are 32% of the most important form of content by marketers and mobile viewing of video has increased by 10 million viewing minutes daily rate in the past two years. There are a lot of other astounding 2020 statistics in that Hubspot article, so check it out!

Also note that 80% of mobile consumption is by video, according to Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics.

On LinkedIn, you can share anywhere between 1 to 9 images in a post and you can also add a caption in the text box. You just need to click on the camera icon from your home page to do so.

For video sharing, click on the video icon. Native videos (uploaded from your phone) will probably have a better reach than links from Youtube because you are keeping your audience on the LinkedIn platform longer. LinkedIn likes that!

Note the following photo file requirements:

  • The upload is limited to 5 MB
  • Images should be at least 552 W by 276 H in pixels
  • The ratio for the frame can be 3:1 to 2:3 and if it’s bigger, it will be cropped
  • Note that you cannot resize uploaded images and have to do that beforehand.
  • If the images are small and low resolution, they may appear as low quality.

Here are several pictures from the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine event on February 7th in Philadelphia. It was Prom Night with buddies and folks with special needs. Truly awesome night and you can see a couple videos on Speaking of Instagram, are you following to see images of upcoming events?

Stalker Alert!!! Here’s a quick little LinkedIn tidbit. If you want to see someone’s recent activity on LinkedIn, just type in their LinkedIn URL followed by /recent-activity


If you don’t have a LinkedIn coach and want to learn how to have a winning profile, come to some upcoming workshops!



Lynne M. Williams is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Groups, a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career development and networking connections for 1) job seekers in career transition, including veterans, and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

Aside from writing keyword-focused content for ATS resumes and LinkedIn™ profiles, Lynne is writing her doctoral dissertation on LinkedIn™ for Job Seekers. She is a contributing author on “Applying to Positions” in Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?, and is also a speaker on career topics.