Career Success Group Job Seeker Accountability & Networking
OnlineThe Career Success Group is a networking meeting held on the 2nd Monday and 4th Thursday of each month from 9:30-10:30 AM ET with Kevin Keene. Join us if you […]
LinkedIn for Nonprofits
OnlineRegistration link for zoom How can you define your value proposition, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and leverage it for impact? What must you do to increase your nonprofit’s exposure, […]
A Six-Step Process to Take Ownership of Your Career Journey
OnlineIn today’s rapidly evolving job market, employee satisfaction is at an all-time low and millions of Americans are unemployed. Too many individuals let their careers be shaped by external circumstances […]
Kickstart Your Confidence: Navigating Transitions with Resilience
OnlineJoin us for an interactive workshop designed to help you fortify your resilience during times of career transition. Through guided activities and thought-provoking prompts, you’ll take charge of your mindset, […]
Careerland Q&A for the Game of Life on Restream
OnlineJoin us on LinkedIn Restream 🏎️ For Unemployed, Self-employed, & Employed Professionals 👭 Career Coaches: Lisa Carman and Lynne Williams 📆 Date: Monthly, Second Wednesday, 3-4 PM ET 🔇 Restream Live Stream ♟️Step […]
How to Create Snazzy Graphics for LinkedIn & Social Media Demos
OnlineRegister for Zoom at This workshop will offer step-by-step demos of some tools you can use to create banner images or images for social media or a blog post, […]
How to Gain Customers with a LinkedIn Company Page
OnlineRegister for Zoom Need to know how to build your LinkedIn company page? Want details on how to create your banner and logo images? Understand the differences from your […]
Virtual Job Seeker Support Group
OnlineThe Virtual Job Seeker Support Group is a networking meeting held on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:30-7:30 PM ET with Dr. Dominique Kliger. Join us if you […]
Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) / ChemPharma Lehigh Valley
OnlineAre you a mid to senior-level executive, C-suite, or business owner? Join us for networking at the Lehigh Valley, PA chapter of the Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) and ChemPharma. […]
The Emotional Side of Job Transition and Job Loss
OnlineHave you ever experienced a voluntary or involuntary job transition or job loss? In this interactive program, you will hear about a model that can help you cope with the […]